Monday, March 28, 2011


I finally got the first Roman Shade done. It's only taken me a whole month. Now I can get on to making the other two. It was fun to make and I look forward to when I have all three hung. The most exciting part is that during dinner, the sun will not be in our eyes anymore. This window is at the perfect angle for the setting sun to blind us during dinner. You can see the ugly lace curtains on the other windows. I'm excited to get rid of those things after living here for almost 4 years.

All the way up:

Half way up

All the way down. I don't think I'll keep them like this very often, only when I need to block the sun for dinner.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Easter Wreath

Brant and I made this wreath this morning. I saw the idea on another blog. Mine turned out way different than hers, but that's OK.

Jay Birthday Cake

This cake was so easy! I used an overhead transparancy to decorate George. I then froze the frosting and when it was completely frozen, I turned it onto the cake and pulled off the transparancy!