What you'll need:
pen or pencil for each team
dice for each team
Sorry this isn't a craft. If I take a picture later I'll post it on here. This game is like Cootie. It's most fun to play in partners - one person rolling like mad, while the other person draws. Also, you can give each team their own dice, or use one dice and pass it back and forth. My kids like to play where each team has their own dice so they can roll as fast as possible and race to see who gets theirs drawn the quickest. We play this for every holiday lately. We just make up a new picture to fit the holiday. Also, you have to roll the numbers in order. So you can't use a 3 unless you've already rolled your 1 and 2 (or both 2's if they're for the eyes). If you want you can use the old Cootie rule that if you roll "snake eyes" - double 1's - you have to cross out your bunny and start over.
1 - circle for the head
2 - one eye, 2 -the other eye
3 - nose and mouth
4 - 2 buck teeth
5 - whiskers
6 - one ear, 6 -the other ear
Sounds so fun. We are going to have to do this.